6 Health Conditions Common in Autism

Autism is primarily a disorder of communication and behavior, but it often is accompanied by certain physical illnesses and mental health disorders. It is not known whether autism spectrum disorder (ASD) causes symptoms of these conditions or is just associated with them. In some cases, the behavioral traits of autism can be exacerbated by the other illnesses.

An autistic child receiving ABA.
Kim Gunkel / Getty Images

Gastrointestinal Problems

Autistic children are eight times more likely than other children to have stomach and bowel issues, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and painful defecation. Furthermore, gastrointestinal (GI) problems have been linked with an increase in behavioral traits associated with autism.

Some researchers believe the relationship between autism and GI problems is a clue to the cause of autism. Others simply note that many autistic kids have stomach troubles.

Regardless, if you have an autistic child who also has digestive issues it’s important to treat their GI symptoms and make sure they eat healthy, nutritious meals and snacks. Whether changes in diet and nutrition can really help "cure" autism is still debatable. Treating GI problems, however, may help make it easier for children to be more receptive to school, therapy, and social interaction.​



Nearly one in four autistic children has a seizure disorder such as epilepsy.Seizures can range from brief staring spells to full-scale convulsions or blackouts. An electroencephalogram can diagnose the cause of a seizure disorder by measuring changes in brainwaves.

Anticonvulsant medications such as Tegretol (carbamazepine), Lamictal (lamotrigine), Topamax (topiramate), and Depakote (valproic acid) are effective at controlling seizures although some can have serious side effects.


Sleep Problems

Research shows autistic children and teens may experience sleep problems—especially insomnia—at a rate of 40% to 80% higher than those without the disorder. Some have a tough time falling asleep; others wake frequently during the night.

Lack of sleep can make autism traits worse in the daytime. Melatonin, a hormone-based supplement, can help autistic people fall asleep. It's not clear, though, that it makes much of a difference in helping them stay asleep through the night.


Anxiety and Depression

Many autistic people have clinical depression and/or anxiety, especially those with low support needs who formerly may have been identified as having Asperger's syndrome, a term no longer preferred.This may be because they're likely to be aware they're different from other people and of being ostracized.

However, some experts believe mood disorders in conjunction with autism may be caused by physical differences in the autistic brain. Mood disorders can be treated with medication, cognitive psychology, and behavior management.

Anxiety is estimated to affect 11% to 42% of autistic people, while depression is thought to affect 7% of children and 26% of adults with the disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is another mental health disorder that is more common among autistic people than it is in the general population. Some autism traits, such as repetitive behaviors and extremely narrow interests, also are characteristic of OCD, so it can be hard to distinguish between the two disorders.


Serious Mental Illness

It is not unusual for an autistic person to also have a mental health diagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. It can also be tough to distinguish between mood disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and certain autistic behaviors.

If you suspect an autistic person also has symptoms of mental illness, it's critically important to find a mental health expert with solid experience treating autistic people.


Attention Deficits and Behavior Issues

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), aggressive behavior, and trouble focusing are not included in the diagnostic criteria for autism, but they are common in autistic children. Many autistic children have co-occurring ADD or ADHD diagnoses.

Sometimes, medications that help with ADHD, such as Ritalin (methylphenidate) can help autistic children to behave appropriately and to be able to focus. More likely to be helpful are changes in the environment that lessen sensory distractions and external irritants, and support focus.

Between 30% and 61% of autistic children also have symptoms of ADHD, which affects just 6% to 7% of the general population.

13 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Al-Beltagi M. Autism medical comorbiditiesWorld J Clin Pediatr. 2021;10(3):15-28. Published 2021 May 9. doi:10.5409/wjcp.v10.i3.15

  2. Chaidez V, Hansen RL, Hertz-picciotto I. Gastrointestinal problems in children with autism, developmental delays or typical development. J Autism Dev Disord. 44(5):1117-27. doi:10.1007/s10803-013-1973-x

  3. Lamb GV, Green RJ, Olorunju S. Tracking epilepsy and autismThe Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery. 55(1). doi:10.1186/s41983-019-0103-x

  4. Cleveland Clinic. Epilepsy medications.

  5. Cortesi F, Giannotti F, Ivanenko A, et al. Sleep in children with autistic spectrum disorder. Sleep Med. 11(7):659-64. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2010.01.010.

  6. Devnani PA, Hegde AU. Autism and sleep disorders. J Pediatr Neurosci. 10(4):304-7. doi:10.4103/1817-1745.174438

  7. National Autistic Society. Anxiety in autistic adults.

  8. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Mood disorders.

  9. Croen LA, Zerbo O, Qian Y, et al. The health status of adults on the autism spectrumAutism. 2015;19(7):814-823. doi:10.1177/1362361315577517

  10. Martin AF, Jassi A, Cullen AE, Broadbent M, Downs J, Krebs G. Co-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder and autism spectrum disorder in young people: prevalence, clinical characteristics and outcomesEur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020;29(11):1603-1611. doi:10.1007/s00787-020-01478-8

  11. Matson JL, Williams LW. Differential diagnosis and comorbidity: distinguishing autism from other mental health issuesNeuropsychiatry. 3(2):233-243. doi:10.2217/npy.13.1

  12. Leitner Y. The co-occurrence of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children - what do we know?. Front Hum Neurosci. 8:268. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00268

  13. CHADD. ADHD and autism spectrum disorder.

Additional Reading
Lisa Jo Rudy

By Lisa Jo Rudy
Rudy is a writer, consultant, author, and advocate who specializes in autism. Her work has appeared in The New York Times and Autism Parenting Magazine.